As a verb, leech means to bleed with leeches or to act as a parasite. The noun leech refers to a bloodsucking worm or to a person who preys on or clings to another. Definitions The verb leach means to empty, drain, or remove. Leeches live in swampy areas and salted waters. The words leach and leech are homophones: they sound alike but have different meanings.
Leech is a noun meaning a dark-colored flatworm that feeds by sucking blood from the skin of another creature. Authentic Scottish fabrics in the Leech tartan. There has been concern that BPA from canned or stored food has leached into food and drinking water products in recent times. The Leech tartan design is available to order from the worlds leading. n carnivorous or bloodsucking aquatic or terrestrial worms typically having a sucker at each end. v remove substances from by a percolating liquid. It also describes chemicals releasing decomposing trash into surrounding dirt and water supplies or chemicals in metal or plastic containers changing the items stored in those containers. v cause (a liquid) to leach or percolate. Leach is a verb meaning to remove a substance by filtering it through water or other liquids. Additionally, autocorrect on mobile phones may suggest one word instead of the other and it would be easy to do since both of these words start with “l-e.” The different definitions of leach vs.

Why do leach, leech sound the same even though they are completely. If you spelled all of the words correctly, it gives you a pass anyway. Because leeches are parasites, its common for people to use the word as a metaphor for someone who sponges off of other people. The words leach, leech sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Spell-check doesn’t know and can’t guess what word you intended to use or what word you meant, it can only judge by the words on the page. Spell-check looks for words that aren’t in its dictionary or words that resemble words in its dictionary but are potentially spelled wrong.

The spell-check application of most word processing programs won’t catch a mix-up of these two words.